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    I really hope someday to be able to have my dogs as the center of my day. I have a job helping my boyfriend at his company. It allows me to come in a little later in the morning so I get to spend time with the dogs, brushing them or just playing in the yard. I have been working with Yorkies for 5 years. Most of my dogs are pets and spayed/neutered but I am trying to start my own line. Harry, my 3 lbs.stud, is the cornerstone of that beginning. I have his 2 daughters, Veda and Leah, to begin the line. I believe Yorkies make great pets and over the years I have also started to appreciate the beautiful lines of the show dog. I guess I am in the middle of a transition where I know there is a place for the pet quality dog and love the beauty of the show dog but I just don't know if I could keep a show dog crated, away from the other dogs to protect their hair from the normal rough and tumble life of the doggie pack. I have seen my Yorkies run like the wind in my fenced in acre, 3 lbs. dogs trying to stay up with the 8 lbs ones. That's the heart of the Yorkie. I have this argument with myself and we may have discussions on this web page about this topic so you may be a party to the changes here. |